A review by jlmb
The Affair of the Mutilated Mink Coat by James Anderson


Always a pleasant surprise to read a random thrift store find (25 cents, baby!) and have it turn out to be such a fun book. I was not expecting a lot going into it, based on that hokey 1980's cover (which grew on me the more I read it - it's very indicative of the era when it was published).

Anderson is obviously a big fan of Golden Era mysteries. I loved his throwaway references to other famous fictional detectives (Wimsey, Allyen and Appleby). The setting - 1930's English country estate - is classic Golden Era. The locked door aspect is more classic Golden era. Even the characters - the butler, the deb, the mousy secretary, the laconic local policeman etc. reference that type of mystery.

I did not guess the killer which is always a huge plus in a mystery book. I will definitely read his other two books in this series at some point.