A review by brewtifulfiction
On Hampstead Heath by Marika Cobbold


Certainly a book that will warm your heart.

I have to say it isn't necessarily my usual choice of book but I found myself quite enamoured with Marika's writing style.

Our main protagonist is is Thorn (Rose) Marsh. But this story isn't just hers to tell.

This is because when Thorn fabricates a 'bright side' news story when she is moved to a different section of the newspaper she works for, she unknowingly starts a different sort of journey for the angelic apparition that she has supposedly captured on camera.

Dearest Thorn is a journalist with a conscience so when her lies begin to catch up with her, she wants to reveal her secret but is torn when it becomes clear that the truth won't necessarily set her free.

I adore Thorn. She is a quirky yet loveable character. Miss Marsh is an inspiring person, I particularly enjoyed the relationship that she had with her ex-husband. Refreshing and realistic. I wonder whether the author based her on anyone in particular?

The way her character is presented and how the story unfolds is exceptional. There is a heady mix of light and dark within this tale. Humour mixed in with darker sarcasm. Light-hearted moments combined with more sorrowful times.

Everything together made for a quick yet in-depth read.

Covering subjects such as grief and depression, On Hampstead Heath is a novel that is both entertaining and poignant.

Thought provoking.

Maybe we need a bit more old fashioned journalism back instead of this need for fake news and celebrity based articles.

Also looking at the complexities of work/life balance and posing the question can we really have it all? The dream job, the perfect relationship and family. Does that sort of equilibrium even exist?

A novel that I will happily recommend to others and read again myself.