A review by beejai
Battle Flag: The Nathaniel Starbuck Chronicles: Book Three by Bernard Cornwell


The series is starting to lag.
I am not a fan of the addition of the character "Lucifer". While I like him, I have to shut my brain off to accept the circumstances of his appearance and continued role with the legion.
The same is true with Rev. Starbuck. He worked much better as a background character and the more prominent role he plays here forces me to suspend disbelief. Beyond that, Bernard Cornwell's anti-Christian bias comes more to the fore and the religious views of pretty much every character are neither fair nor realistic. He simply plays to stereotypes and tropes.
I love much of BC's work but this book is a disappointment. If this were the first book in the series I would not have bothered to finish. Hopefully, the final book will finish stronger than this weak contribution to the series.