A review by lattelibrarian
Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman


This was such a fun, fast-paced books that do a great job of including all members of the family and giving them all personalities.  Emily's parents have a goal to live in every state in the United States, and after the first couple states, Emily and her brother are rather tired of living out of boxes and leaving behind schools and friends.  So when Emily arrives in San Francisco, she's both excited and sad--excited for Griswold's games, yet sad at the fact that she'll eventually have to leave.  But her upstairs neighbor is pretty nice, and he knows all about codes and ciphers, just like her.  And so the two are thusly intertwined.  

And those codes and ciphers come in handy, especially now that Emily has found Griswold's latest, unreleased game.  Yet solving this mystery may also help save his company--and her life.  This was a great, fast-paced mystery that made you think, and helped you learn about new ciphers and talking in code.  Middle grade mysteries are some of my favorite novels, and this one is absolutely perfect for book lovers.  Each character is fleshed out and lovely and great and I highly recommend this!

Review cross-listed here!