A review by mussa
The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien


peak fiction. now to figure out how to actually escape from reality and spend the rest of my days in middle earth. Man this book is just so epic. I love ents, and I love rohan & the rohirrim. making it a mission to go horseback riding and pretend i’m a horselord this summer. also the writing in this book (especially the dialogue) was chef’s kiss. and i can’t end this beautifully strung together review without mentioning my love admiration for the beautifully written man and legend that is Faramir. damn, i love faramir. favorite tolkien character so far. honorable mention; Gandalf the white and Theoden were great in this book. cant wait to get more aragorn-gimly-legolas scenes in the next book, feels like it’s been so long. 6/5 stars