A review by teganbeesebooks
Conversion by Katherine Howe


Review also published at t and a book!

Title: Conversion
Author: Katherine Howe
Type: Young Adult
Genre: Dual Past Present/Thriller
Tea: Lady Earl Grey, something that you've had before, but different and exciting it it's own way
Rating: 5 out of 5.

Conversion by Katherine Howe is just as great as I expected it to be. I first discovered Katherine Howe when I was at Barnes & Noble in 2009 and saw The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane on their Barnes & Noble Recommends table. I picked it up and instantly fell in love. When she published her next novel, The House of Velvet and Glass, I couldn't wait to pick it up. Then I saw Conversion and knew I had to have it. Katherine is an amazing storyteller and I can't wait to continue reading what she puts out.

Conversion is marketed as a YA novel, but reads more like an adult fiction novel. It is well written and is not like your stereotypical YA novel on the shelf today. The story mainly takes place in Massachusetts at a private girls' school where students are mysteriously falling ill. This combined with flashbacks to Salem during the witch trials make for an intriguing premise and mystery that you can't get enough of.

The main character was relatable and not annoying (thank goodness). The romance side of the novel doesn't take over the plot and it is not a case of insta-love (more thank goodness). Katherine Howe really covers all the bases as to what is expected in a novel. I love YA, don't get me wrong, but if more were written as well as this one was, I wouldn't complain!

I liked that in the flashbacks in this book it was told from the girls' point of view, where in The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane it was told from the accused women's point of view. You don't need to read one to read the other, but having read The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane first I caught some references that she makes to the characters from those novels. That's a fun treat for any reader. I really enjoyed the twist at the end and it had me thinking for quite some time after it.

If you're looking for a great dual past present novel, with a little intrigue I'd highly recommend this. And definitely check out Katherine Howe's other novels as well!