A review by dozylocal
The Guardian's Wyrd by Nerine Dorman


3.5 stars

I wanted to rate this even higher but had to force myself to be fair to the other books I read and not let my South African patriotism influence me too greatly :)

As a reader from South Africa who lives in Cape Town, it was so nice to read a fantasy story dealing with alternate universes and magic where there is such a strong South African and Capetonian flavour. Apparently this is the first in the series (although I'm struggling to find what book 2 is - or if it exists) and it does create the feeling that the story is laying the groundwork for things to come. That said, the story still finished nicely without any horrible cliff-hangers or story-specific unanswered questions.

The main character is a regular teenager living in Hout Bay, who comes to the rescue of the new kid in school who is being bullied. This starts off a tentative friendship which leads to a visit where it soon becomes clear that the new kid and his family might be a little more foreign than it first seemed. Eventually, they manage to tumble into a magical world where someone gets kidnapped and needs rescuing and the adventure proceeds.

Keen to read the next (if there is one).