A review by mpevans0517
I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make the Most of Their Time by Laura Vanderkam


I have about 5 minutes left of the audiobook, and I want to start by saying I know that her sample size contains only women making over 100k. I knew that going in, and I still kept listening thinking I could garner some tidbits of new knowledge.

Even so, I still didn't really like many of her solutions to these women's time "problems". This wasn't published in the 90's. It was published in 2015. The economy hasn't shifted SO much that these solutions she proposes are feasible for everyone, even in this economic bracket. Believe me, I'm IN this bracket with my husband's salary, and we cannot afford a nanny. We cannot afford, and do not want to spend, the excess fees for grocery delivery EVERY week. That honestly is not worth the time you gain back.

This also is of the assumption that these women have EXTREMELY flexible schedules. Even women in higher paying jobs don't always have the flexibility that these women have. Work from home isn't an option in a lot of work environments (except nowadays, because pandemic). Would I like to work from home one full day a week? Sure. Does my job OFFER that? No.

She mentions getting a small clean cleaning service twice a week to do small tasks such as laundry and cleaning the kitchen. Even at the price of a small clean vs a deep clean, this could add up to hundreds of dollars a month. That just isn't feasible for the majority of households.

AND: again, I know she makes a point to tell you that she's looking at women that make a certain amount of money, but this definition of "success" sucks because while I make a third of what these women make, I find myself busy, driven, and SUCCESSFUL.