A review by andreatorres
Let Me In by R.M. Virtues


4 ⭐️

This is my least favorite book in the whole series, and I still gave it 4 stars. Sooo… Yeah. I’m in love with these books.

This is the highly anticipated story of Athena & Dionysos, the best friends to lovers we have been waiting for since Drag Me Up . Athena, and her adoptive brother Ares, are one of the first lines of defense in Khaos Falls, given such duty by Hades, their uncle. With it, comes the feeling of extreme responsibility and fear of failure that Athena must carry around as she tours the region, Aegean, trying to sign peace treaties with the rest of its cities. The book begins with Athena returning to Khaos Falls after months of touring neighbouring islands and before departing for Thassos, whose newly appointed leadership has yet to take a standing after the events in Keep Me Close . Enter Dionysos, famous for his wine, easy-going personality, and his partying lifestyle… and for being in love with his best friend, even if she is the only one oblivious to that fact. Dionysos, tired of seeing Athena leave him behind at every tour, volunteers to go with her to Thassos, a decision meet with hesitation from almost all his family, which only convinces Dio even more of just how necessary it is for him prove to everyone that he’s able to handle the responsibilities of being a district leader like the rest of them. And maybe change his best friend’s mind about what he’s capable of doing and show her just how right he could be by her side; maybe prove it to himself too.

This story is beautiful, captivating, the world building is immaculate and complicated to the point of me having to pull out the map several times to find where we were and what we were talking about, but, my, oh, my, did I love it. All the favorites from the last two books make a return to the big stage. The twins are amazing and seeing Heph and Aphrodite together in their domestic bliss bubble is just so amazing I could cry.

My favorite part of this entire book was, to absolutely no shock to anyone, Dionysos. The giant, cuddly-bear hero with ADHD and no qualms about wearing his heart on his sleeve. It is no surprise because my dream man is an absolute mammoth with simping golden retriever energy, and I have never been particularly quiet about it.

My least favorite thing in this book was Athena, and I don’t know if it’ll be shocking to anyone reading this, but it was shocking to me. I’m not in the habit of hating, or even disliking, strong-willed, independent heroines. In fact, any other book I’ve read that has a character like that, I’ve immediately loved. And I do love this book, but Athena was not the reason why. Her actions throughout this book were consistent and she was a very well written character, in my opinion, but for the love of everything, she was so. fucking. frustrating. Half of my annotations and comments for this book are just about how annoying Athena was being… like, the entire time. And while I (unfortunately) deeply understand the whole ‘pushing people away because of past trauma’ thing, it’s no excuse to the toxicity her character displays in some parts of this book. Her attitude towards Dio, for most of the first part especially, is just outrageous and down-right stupid. This is, however, a personal preference since, as I said, the character, her storyline and actions in the book are consistent as to who she is and what her worldview has come to be after everything she’s lived through. Still, most of the time I just wanted to grab her and shake her and yell at her to stop being an idiot.

Spoiler Especially after she stands Dio up THE SECOND TIME to go be a fool and spend time with Pallas again, AND THEY FUCKING KISS. No, cause I was so pissed off, you don’t understand. I wanted Dio to fuck Roxanne so bad after it happened just out of spite, which isn't very healthy of me (I know, I know) but I didn't even care at that point. Baby-boy deserved better. But alas. During the beginning of the first kiss/finding Dio talking to Hephaestus in the winery scene I wanted him to explode and just rip her a new asshole, I wanted him to tell her how unfair and hurtful she was being, but of course Dionysos loves her so much that he’s willing to siphon crap as long as she’s the one feeding it to him (I know, gross mental picture, but I feel like it's justified).

Athena (24) and Dionysos (22) are the youngest MCs we’ve had in this series, and it shows. They’re not as secure and confident in their choices, and as comfortable as they are with each other, they’re still fearful and anxious, afraid of showing others and one another their wants, needs and, more importantly, their decisions when it comes to their lives.

Overall, I thought it was an interesting book, with great, consistent characters that (albeit annoying at times) were beautiful and rounded in the way R.M. Virtues has shown us they’re able to do. The intrigue in this one was just as nail-bitingly intense as the first two. Also, I feel like the ending allows this world to continue on in further books, and Ares seems like a great candidate after complaining about having to work with Tethys - I’m nothing if not hopeful!

4/5 ⭐️