A review by dashichka
Chosen Ones (Lost Souls, Book One) by Tiffany Truitt


This book kind of blew me away. In truth, at the beginning I didn't expect anything special. The book started a little slow, but it quickly picked up.

The heroine of this dystopian series is Tess, who has had so much stripped from her life that she's turned herself into an emotional shell to help herself cope. That is until she meets someone she shouldn't be associating with. A chosen one, but one that's different. Eventually she is forced to question everything. Her relationships with everyone around her: her older sister, her younger sister, her father, her old best friend Henry, and most importantly, her new friend, the chosen one James.

What initially won me over what the writing style. This book is so emotional. The author really captures every thought, every feeling that goes through Tess in such a beautifully gut-wrenching way. The set up of the world, of the powerlessness of the people, the cruelty of the council, were written so beautifully. This book portrayed each side showing you that nothing is as simple as black and white. You could see the background of every thought; put yourself into so many sets of shoes.

The book is written to show you a twist of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, letting you decide what is really a monster. If you were put into the situation, would you blindly follow as you were told, or would you stand up for what you believed to be right? But I couldn't read this book without thinking Hunger Games like thoughts through the whole of the book. I hate comparing books to other popular "trend" books, but this one was hard to deny. The cold, closed off heroine. The best friend/possible love interest. The evil government twisting the people's beliefs to what they want them to see. The possible resistance movements, and the need for a person to be the people's symbol of hope. But unlike Hunger Games, I loved this heroine so much more. She was so much more relatable, among many other differences. Basically, I saw similarities, but I would still consider this book a fully original work of art.

Lastly, I want to say how much I adored James. He was different, and he knew it. He was questioning everything, but he never seemed weak. He was just kind and gentle, even though he was created to be violent and self caring. The boy totally won me over. The dark curls, mismatched eyes, and perfect face didn't hurt either.


Overall, I really loved this book and will be looking forward to the next one.

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