A review by saidtheraina
Adaptation by Malinda Lo


Reese is waiting to get on a plane, starring out at the tarmac, when a whole flock of birds falls out of the sky onto the concrete.

Soon, reports come in from all over the country about birds running into - and crashing - planes. When all the flights are canceled for the foreseeable future, Reese, her debate team coach, and her debate partner rent a car and start driving home.

THAT'S when the car wreck happens.

When Reese wakes up, she feels... different.

Honestly, a few months after reading this book, I remember VERY LITTLE about exactly how she feels different. I remember the genre of the book and some vague plotpoints. But what stands out in my brain is the romance. And the setting.

SpoilerBecause, my friends, this character is bisexual. ::trumpets sound::

Or at least lesbian with a side of heavy questioning.

I do a happy dance in my head when I think about how awesome it is that this book exists.

Which shouldn't be the case. Books with queer characters that aren't about the character's queerness SHOULD be par for the course.

But that's not where we're at, as a society, right now.
And so I do happy dances.

The only thing that would make me happier about this would be if this protagonist wasn't Caucasian. But that isn't a fault of the author. I imagine the publishing industry just couldn't take something with that much creativity - a sci-fi book with apocalyptic elements aimed at teen girls featuring a NON-WHITE
chick? Good luck.

But SUPER props to Malinda Lo for making this book happen.


In all honesty, I still have kind of mixed feelings about the depiction of the girl-girl relationship. I mean, yes, I get it that I shouldn't expect every homo-affair to be virtuous and triumphant and uncomplicated and innocent. But did she really have to be spying on Reese? Really?

SpoilerAgain with the I'm-Really-Happy-That-This-Character-Really-Presents-As-Bisexual.

Malinda Lo's definitely an author I keep a close eye on. I love her brand of activism and soap boxes.

I should also mention that the Bay Area features prominently in this book. There's a lot of place-specific set-dressing, in a good way.

I do wish her books were just a TOUCH more middle school friendly. I booktalked [b:Ash|6472451|Ash|Malinda Lo|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1286563960s/6472451.jpg|6550542] but felt like I was stretching my limits. But yah know.

If I read strictly for me, I'd read SO many books like this.