A review by sarahs_bookish_life
A Lion Is Not Just For Christmas by Henriette Gyland


I have to say that this isn’t probably an obvious choice of book for me but I was very pleasantly surprised. It is the second book in the Norfolk Mysteries series but am assuming that each book probably features different characters as this definitely reads as a stand alone.

As a child who wouldn’t be fascinated with the circus and the people and animals that work within one? I was really intrigued as to how this story was going to work with a lion and a performer going to a stately home. I mean it isn’t your everyday type of story but it worked really well.

I liked Justine and Tom. Justine is more stronger in personality from her circus background. I liked how she stood up for herself and didn’t let people put her down. Tom on the other hand is more soft spoken but it made him more likeable because of it.

As this is a novella it didn’t take long at all to devour, I loved the setting of the stately home and whilst not overly festive, you really get the sense of family which I’m sure for most of us is what Christmas is all about.

A Lion Is Not Just For Christmas was a great little read that held me captive through out. As with any story line to do with families, you are guaranteed a bit of drama and as Justine tries to settle into life at the stately home, there is plenty of that. There are even some unexpected surprises. Would definitely recommend giving this one a go.

My thanks to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for a copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in anyway.