A review by wyrmbergmalcolm
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Food Chain by Christopher Golden, Doug Petrie, Cliff Richards


A larger collection of Buffy adventures that are consistently good.
Food Chain Part 1 sees her facing off a life-sapping demon that turns to her friends for sustenance after Buffy thwarts an earlier attempt.
The Latest Craze features an new fad in owning ugly plushies that inevitably turn out to be alive and gremlin-like. A fun story, but as it features in another Buffy collect (as one of the two stories in it) it's odd it's in here as well.
Bad Dog has a werewolf on the prowl, but all is not as it seems. Or is it? A lot of fun and some great character moments.
Food Chain Part 2 features the idiots who summoned the demon in part 1 at it again, but this demon is more of the smashy smashy unsubtle type. A story about never underestimating the depths of stupidity.
Double Cross takes place after Graduation Day and Buffy and Angle have broken up. Unfortunately they're simultaneously attacked by identical demons, which does help take their minds of their woes for a bit.
Punish Me With Kisses is a hilarious Willow and Tara story as they deal with a double haunting at a B&B.
One Small Promise has Riley and Buffy having a tiff and not in the mood to deal with the group of vampires that want to fight. Silly, but fun.
City of Despair sees Angle and Buffy getting kidnapped and placed in a demonic gladiatorial ring where they end up having to do battle against one another. Bit of a weird one, that kind of sticks out in the collection and the Buffy Verse in general.
All, in all a fun collection with an interesting variety of artwork styles.