A review by rereader33
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun, Vol. 2 by AidaIro


Omg, this volume just melted my heart, broke it, then put it back together so it could melt all over again! Hanako and Nene make such a great couple, I am 120% on board for this ship, hi-ho shipping away! While I'm still confused over the specifics regarding the seven mysteries and how each mystery works, the story explains enough so you're not left in the dark while withholding enough to keep you invested. I'm already so pumped to learn about the other mysteries, especially seeing their domains! Who knew near-endless flights of stairs could loo so cool?!

This volume makes great strides in Nene and Hanako's relationship, mainly pushing Nene to try to learn more about him. While Nene is not the deepest character and she is a bit shallow, what I like about her is she's self-aware enough to realize her mistakes and open-minded enough to accept criticism from others. She definitely still has room to grow (I mean, this is only the second volume, so obviously) and I'm truly looking forward to seeing where her character goes from here.

Finally, the conflict surrounding Kou, Teru, and Hanako was really cool and handled well. I like the fact that Kou actually takes the time to think about whether his older brother is right in wanting him exorcised, especially since Kou tends to be easily swayed despite putting up a big front. Seeing him consider both sides makes his decision that much more important because he isn't being his usual flippant self and is taking the situation seriously. As for Teru, he's a pretty one-dimensional character who only exists to be an exorcist who'll exorcise anything because "all supernaturals are bad". Hopefully he'll get more development as the series continues, but for now I'm fine with the role he currently has.

I am so in love with this series that it's not even funny, I can't stand that I have to wait until May for the next volume, I love this soooooooo much!