A review by par3
Analog Science Fiction and Fact March/April 2020 by Trevor Quachri


4 Stars! This rating/review is for the short story “One Basket” by C.C. Finlay. Excellent story. Reminded me of Artemis by Weir a little bit.
Read: 1/17/23

Link: https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/one-basket/?fbclid=IwAR3zSpBH2C_XGlVjbxxLm2t-8j65nNt4HJ3sueTsCeD-fswIgAiYqxfO4cg

- “Nothing’s going to happen, we’ll be fine… But just because we’ll be fine doesn’t mean we won’t be careful. It’s the other way around—careful is what keeps us fine. Got it?”
- “Being trapped on Earth made people small—we had to move into space in order to grow.”
- “Anybody who doesn’t have their head up in the stars the first time they go for a walk has their head up their ass.”
- “You don’t have a choice. Sometimes all your eggs are in one basket. But then you better take good care of that basket.”