A review by bluebeereads
My Life After Now by Jessica Verdi


Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

This was such a great book! I'm glad I finally came around to reading it after I heard Ashley (Nose Graze) gushing about it! Even though it does features some heavy subjects, it felt like a really light and quick read with just the right amount of feels.

The story is about Lucy. She's had a really bad week and she makes a mistake that in the end is really stupid because it had major consequences. Before going into the book, I knew it was about HIV, so the first 25% (I think) is about Lucy dealing with everything that leads up to the mistake she makes. I knew what was going to happen and that made it so much worse. So much tension and my heart was beating like crazy. And after that it did get better. Slowly. But I was so engaged into the story and I just read it in a few hours.

I love Jessica's writing! She deals perfectly with this subject, one that I know is not a popular topic for discussion. But it's something that needs to be discussed. And people who deal with it are treated differently and that's just wrong. But I love how Jessica handles it and I think this book does send out a really strong message. Not just about the topic itself, but also how Lucy's friends and family deal with it.

I love Lucy and I totally understand why she does what she does and how she deals with everything. And I love how supporting her dads are. Oh yeah, she has 2 gay dads, which is another kind of heavy topic, often related to the other one, that she worked into the story very well. They are so great and loving parents! And her friends too, even though it takes Lucy a while to get used to it herself. I hated Ty. He's an ass and I want to kick his butt. And I didn't like Elyse either, but I'm okay with her in the end. I do love Evan though. He's awesome.

So in the end, I'd say that this is a great book and I absolutely recommend it to everyone, even people that don't read contemporary books that often. It sends a great message and it's just a very very very good book. I am really excited about Jessica's other book now, and it's just waiting for me on my Kobo!