A review by ssrosepetal
The Theory of Unrequited by Len Webster


To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect when I started reading this book. The cover looked promising, the blurb sounding intriguing, and my interest was peaked. I'm glad I gave this book a chance. AJ (Alex and she'd prefer to be called) and Evan were in interesting pair. Best friends for as long as they can remember they were each other's everything. They were young and naive so it doesn't surprise me that they didn't see what was in front of them until it was gone, especially Evan (he is a guy after all). I felt bad for Alex and her struggles but I'm glad that she started to see the mistakes she made it handling this situation near the end of this story. I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand the whole wanting to learn to live for yourself thing, but she could have handled it more maturely. That ending... so simple yet so not at the same time. I dislike cliffhangers because I just want to continue reading and get to their HEA. I'll definitely be patiently (hopefully) waiting for the conclusion to AJ and Evan! *I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this story for an honest and unbiased review.*