A review by helpfulsnowman
Doom Patrol Vol. 1: Brick by Brick by Gerard Way


In the intro (or maybe outro? I forget) Gerard Way talks about a fan review where the fan said he didn't know exactly what was going on most of the time, but he had a feeling about what was going on most of the time.

Way liked the review because he felt that it was what he was going for.

So, success in achieving the goal, but...not-as success when it comes to making something I loved.

It's confusing, and now I know it's purposely so. It's meant to be a little wonky, a little out there, and a little hard to parse.

It certainly lives up to the Doom Patrol tradition set by Grant Morrison in that way. Some great stuff, but once in a while you'd kill for something that just is what it is, not something that might be a thing and might be the dream contained in a single tear of a celestial turtle upon whom the entire universe rests. Or something.

Also, within these pages must be the ONLY place someone has gasped and said, "Flex Mentallo can't be dead?" Who the hell is ever going to say that?