A review by thejourneyofmybooks405
Hungry: Eating, Road-Tripping, and Risking It All with the Greatest Chef in the World by Jeff Gordinier


It’s been an abnormal month and a half in this world. Terms like “social distancing” and “stay at home order” are ones I never thought I’d use, but have become a part of my daily lexicon. One form of briefly escapism has been through books and “Hungry” is a book I’ve had on my Kindle since last year and now felt like the perfect time to read it.

This nonfiction book follows René Redzepi, a world-renowned chef at one of the best restaurants in the world, Noma, located in Copenhagen, Denmark. Over the course of four years, journalist Jeff Gordinier follows Redzepi and the Noma crew to multiple countries as he seeks inspiration and innovation (without cultural appropriation) after a virus outbreak threatens the restaurant’s reputation. Luscious descriptions of food I can’t afford and stylized travelogue writing style made this book especially captivating. Sometimes, I don’t like when a journalist inserts themselves in a story, but Gordinier’s personal life is a catalyst that leads to the openness to these adventures.

The only physical adventures I go on are to the grocery store these days, so it was nice to live vicariously through Gordinier.