A review by kellswitch
Dead Shift by John Llewellyn Probert


**Full disclosure: I received this book in exchange for an honest review**

What starts out as a typical night at the Northcote Hospital soon turns deadly as something is trying to break through into our universe and they are at it's epicenter.

The overall atmosphere and feel of the book was more creepy and unsettling than frightening especially once the action got started and the books pace became more frantic. While I feel the fast pace of the story telling helped keep the story moving without giving you to much time to get bogged down on details, it did make it harder to really let the horror of what was going on sink in and take hold.
And for all that we had so little time to spend with our main characters, they felt like real people and I was invested in what happened to them...a dangerous thing in a book like this.

The Lovecraft influence is strong and obvious but in no way feels derivative, the author has given it his own spin and I loved his take on what the creatures coming through would look like and how they would work. I found his creatures eerie and unsettling and yet also compelling.

I also love the cover art, it definitely clues you in to the fact that you are in for a fun ride.

This was a short, quick and awesome read, it was so much fun and I am looking forward to reading more from this author.