A review by thepiqht
Ashes to Ashes by Jenny Han


Book: Ashes to Ashes
Author: Jenny Han
Source: Library

I started this book without the knowledge that this was a third in a series (whoops).
I could not deal with the ending, there was no proper conclusion and it certainly wasn't very satisfactory. The only character that seemed fleshed out was Lillia. Which is ironic considering that the story is told in the perspective of three different people.
Spoilerokay seriously though, lets talk about the ending. Throughout the whole books it is emphasised that reeve really loves her, Kat can tell that he adores her and Lilia feels the same way. So in the end when Lillia gets together with Alex and reeve is brushed over, he got a leg injury and just settled back in Jar Island does not make storybook sense. Kat didn't get to go to the college of her dreams and her dog died, which again, was brushed over. If you're going to leave everything sour at the end, at least make it long enough for people to feel something or understand why this has happened.