A review by shile87
Special Forces: Mercenaries Part I by Marquesate


Proceed with caution, this review may or may not contain spoilers

Oh boy! I feel really angry, I wanted pain but I ended up with rage! Too bad we can’t always get want we want.

There were some really good parts and some really baaaaaaaaad parts.

Sorry Moony! I couldn't resist.


5 stars for my Russkie and up to Thailand! After Thailand It all went downhill, I will give that part 1 star.


Vadim’s character- This guy shines in this book, Vadim is the heart of Mercenaries, his inner thought, his dialogues and just about everything else. I love him and always will. He is very intelligent, observant, he just not social and doesn’t know how to communicate well with others. He went to hell and back in this book, first with the torture and then with his relationship with Dan.

The few intimate scenes that we got between just Dan and Vadim. They were really good.

The banter between the characters provided some much needed laugh out loud moments.

There are some words in this book that left heart melting.

The hunters couldn’t trap the tiger, try as they might, and the tiger still roams their old hunting grounds, remembering the gift of love and friendship. Lions may die, but friendship doesn’t.

“I told you, my Russkie, I won’t ever be without you again.”
You are unlike all the others, unlike anyone I shag, because when I touch you it’s not just a touch, it’s eleven years of heaven and hell

The Baroness- God bless her soul.

Thailand! Thailand! Thailand! freaking Thailand.


Mercenaries started all wrong, I mean, WTF was that whole bad Katya soap opera thing? Was it necessary to turn her into the typical mm villain? It was just out of place. I didn’t even hate her, just cursed the authors for that stupid stunt.


Dan’s character - Oh dear lawd! The Dan in Special Forces, Aye, is one smart, selfless, thoughtful, loving guy, who kept looking for Vadim every time he suspected something was wrong. Dan who went back to Kabul for Vadim, Dan who nursed Vadim back to life more than once.

The Dan in mercenaries is a selfish, shade wearing (mentioned 160 times, thanks Moony), porn star, who somehow depends on Jean to tell him what to do when it comes to relationship and how to act. I was like wait? Who is this Dan? This shallow dude-bro, worried about being old and fading out is not Dan. Dan as a character was a mess. Vadim deserves better that this stranger Dan! Vadim deserves SF Dan! Vadim deserves someone who cares about his mental state and not someone who tries to cure him with orgies! Dan also deserves more that being turned into mad dog (I passionately dislike that nick name). I noticed towards the end of the book, it’s like the authors realized what they did to Dan’s character, and tried to revive the old Dan back. The damage was already done.


I was ok with Dan exploring his new found sexual appetite, I didn’t have a problem with him and Jean, but that was all before Thailand. I am fine with open relationships, threesomes, foursomes, but only if both parties agree it. My problem was when they came back from Thailand and Dan went straight to Jean, offering
Spoiler his ass, “how do you want me” to Jean and
then saying he has never done that before! That is not correct; he said those exact words to Vadim in the previous scene. Shit! I highlighted that part.

You just got back together, if you want an open relationship! Ask your partner first, don’t go making decisions for him too, You are a team now. Who are you Dan? You can’t be this selfish. Yes, I know Vadim goes along with it, the problem is, he did it for Dan! Dan sets everything in motion without consulting Vadim and Vadim just went with it, because it was the only way not to lose Dan. That pissed me off.

And Jean is a manipulative little shit. Yeah! and he is straight! Laaaaaawd!


As much as the authors want to try and convince me that Dan and Vadim’s love is intact and it is true love, I have a hard time believing that. What I read is different, especially the scenes between Dan and Jean after Thailand, those are not JUST sex scenes; they are scenes between two people who have feelings for each other and not just as friends. Dan is feeling something for Jean, he even admits to liking Jean a lot; and Jean is falling in love with Dan and Dan is letting him.

Vadim and Hooch, damn! This hurts because these two got mad chemistry, it was fire from the moment they met, I felt really bad because it was like betraying the Dan and Vadim I knew in SF. And that scene, at the end, that was a start of something, and it is funny because Dan felt it too and was a tiny bit jealous.

We now have Dan and Vadim, and Jean and Hooch as the side guys.

Can someone please explain to me, how this is True Love! Because if it is!


After Thailand it was no longer an Epic Love story, just sex scenes, twosomes, threesomes, foursomes. It was hot porn, if you think you have watched gay porn and think you know, you know nothing my people.

Aye! I was warned, I didn’t listen, but I am glad I got to experience it on my own.

Long story short long! I freaking wrote a long review. The Dan and Vadim we knew in SF are long gone. If you want a well written angst story with a tiny bit of romance, read the 1st part and stop after Thailand. Then again, If you are in the mood for porn without plot continue to the end.

I may or may not read the rest of the series, for now, I surrender!


Thank you so much Jan, Moony and Xia for the buddy read and for being the best affordable therapists.
