A review by emmishnation
Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom by John O'Donohue


-the eternal is beyond space and time, you are finally one
-befriend death for spiritual growth
-God as consciousness experiencing itself- give experiences up to God
-circle as wholeness
-“may my eye bless all it sees” (130)
-“the glory of God is the human person fully alive” (124) life is the great sacrament- how can you know and be yourself, live creatively and compassionately transfiguring ego to more unconditional states. And how can you serve other in these states? Listen snd discern how Spirit moves thru them and try to help them according to its own being like R said of Cherokee medicine?
-solitude, silence is sited of the divine
-life is the great sacrament 123 be courageous enough to be who you are and listen from silence to know how/what
-introspection can be damaging to the soul when done violently- just let it be
-the soul is shy and hides in darkness can’t be reached with neon analysis. Honor what is hidden and approach respectfully not extractively overly aggro 80
-perverse addiction to wounding 115
-“in each of us a different part of the mystery becomes luminous” (95)
-we are temporary guests 92
-heidegger true listening is worship (71) listen and speak with your heart- Amina
-God is wild and sensuous 50
-sex sacred creates new life similarly m/f light/dark energies Eros polarities engage to create art which is also new life
-space and difference are impt in love- growth
-you are sent here to Learn to love and to receive love 27 gift of new love- love comes into your life to awaken hidden love within. Diff from need or projection- intimacy, affinity, belonging
-7- it is here in human presence rhat divinity in creation comes nearest to itself
-7- love can awaken what is divine within you
-7- love begins with paying attention to others with an act of gracious self-forgetting. This is the condition in which we grow