A review by lostlenore_
The Infinity Courts by Akemi Dawn Bowman


If I had to choose a sentence to describe this book would be "a much anticipated story with turned out to be a Matrix-inspired female-led meh read." I'm not sure this makes that much sense so let me elaborate a bit.

The premise is interesting, the writing is convincing, emotive, and pretty eloquent and the character's voice grows on you even if, at times, the heroine reads a bit more immature and annoying than what you expected. The narration of the book was also okay and overall this was a fast-paced fantasy-inspired novel in an SF backdrop. If it was published ten or fifteen years earlier, it'd have made a huge impact on its audience.

However, the novel now is mostly a pastiche of tropes and cliches you've already read, a relic of the Matrix pop culture influences that still fascinate most of us. The romance is also lukewarm and even if it's not that important, the author seems not to try for the rest of the plot points to be at least less predictable. I really guessed many events before they happened and I also speed-listened (if that's a word) to many pages.

Yes, there's an Asian rep in this book and yes, the premise and the idea are fantastic and I'm glad I gave this author a read because of her amazing writing style but overall, the book failed to grasp my attention for more than the first pages.