A review by yodamom
Burn for Me by Ilona Andrews


It's all about the chase for me. This one had a winning chase that just kept me glued to the pages, nibbling popcorn and sweating along the brow. I'm not talking just about the romantic chase yes that was there and it was excellent in my humble opinion The problem was a spiral that kept developing new layers that warped previous plans and required adjustments. Dang, I loved that, never a moment of the "I knew it" could slap me with the "been theres". This is urban fantasy with some smoking sizzle hot points.
The characters, oh the Andrews know how to write them so they so interesting you just want to invite them over for coffee. Of course I had favorites, although I loved them all. Grandma, was a wild, wise cracking, man form loving, woman who I adored completely. I'd adopt her in NY minute. Mom, a hard arse ex sniper. Nevada, she was over burdened, smart, strong, feisty and stubborn, my kind of girl. Adam, sexy bratty and rich, enough on him. Mad, he is the one that will have you rubbing the steam off your glasses, that man has this touch- OH MY GAWD. Okay he looks hot, acts hot, has touch skills and he stubborn, bossy, wicked, dangerous..... MY NEW BOOK BF- LOL There was not a character I felt blasé towards, all held interest.
The ending sucked. It ended, how could it just end when I was so hooked ? I wanted at least 5-6 hundred more pages. Geesh now I have to wait for book 2 to be released. I'm buying this on audio so I can listen to it while exercising, it'll keep that heart rate up. :D