A review by bibliophile90
Dream a Little Dream by Susan Elizabeth Phillips



4.5 stars

I read Dream a Little Dream the first time back in 2011. I don't reread that often but couldn't find anything else to read so decided to reread this book. I have a weakness for single parents down on their luck. I have a very bad memory so I forgot what happened in this book, so in a way it was like I was reading this book for the first time. My heart broke for the main characters Rachel and Gabe. Rachel, has nothing left except her five-year-old son Edward. Even though she has nothing left she is not ready to give up. She was just so incredibly strong and such a fighter. Everything she did she did for her son, to give him a better life. She starved herself and would do anything to make sure her boy didn't go hungry. I have just so much respect for Rachel. Gabe has lost his wife and son and is half a person. He isn't living and comes across as rude and mean.

He doesn't want anything to do with people and when Rachel and Edward are dropped in his lap, he doesn't know what to do with them. He tries really hard to push them away, however Rachel isn't that easy to ignore or to run off. She is so persistent and worms her way into his life. Gabe and Edward do not get along, and that broke my heart. Gabe especially doesn't want anything to do with him, however I could see why he was the way he was. The relationship between Rachel and Gabe developed in a great pace and I loved the little steps both took to heal themselves and each other. I also loved the interactions between Edward and Ethan (Gabe's brother), and Rosie (Gabe's baby niece). Edward needs so much love and while Gabe didn't give him any, I was happy to see his family members were more than willing to do that. This book is an exceptional, emotional and beautiful contemporary romance about two broken characters healing each other.

PS: There is a secondary romance between Ethan and Kristy. I LOVED IT!