A review by kle105
Mistakes Were Made by Meryl Wilsner


Erin is at Family Weekend at her daughters college and has a night off while her daughter spends time with her ex-husband. What she wasn’t planning on was hooking up with a younger woman in the backseat of a car. More so, she wasn’t expecting the woman to show up the next day at breakfast with her daughter. So it has to end, right?

The last thing Cassie is expecting is to be invited to her best friends home for the holiday break. How can she resist the most explosive experience she’s had for two whole weeks? While they both feel like it can’t continue they also can’t resist each other.

Secrets always have a way of coming out though. While the age gap did play a significant part in the story I also felt like Erin really deserved to find her happiness. Her ex was a total jerk at times.

Their chemistry was evident and while it was super steamy there was a lot of sweet gestures and conversation that brought the two together as well.

While the tension of dating your best friends Mom did play out it was handled pretty well. There was a few times where Cassie’s age did come across as immature but to be expected.

Overall a great read, some holiday fun, steamy scenes, great friendships, and finding your happy.

I received an arc for review, all opinions are my own and given freely.