A review by nicozzy
Zero Repeat Forever by G.S. Prendergast


3.75 stars (very odd rating, I know, but it seemed better than 3.5 but wasn’t quite a 4)

This book reminds of the 5th Wave - Nahx invasion
wiping out humankind - a human girl and Nahx boy finding common ground and friendship. This pace is just a lot slower.

I liked that we got to see the dual POVs of Raven and Eighth. I loved Eighth - I didn’t want his narratives to end. He’s a lost, confused, and defective Nahx who I sympathized with immediately.
Raven, is a different story. While I didn’t dislike her, I wasn’t very fond of her either. I pretty much liked her because Eighth liked her. 🤷‍♀️

There’s not a lot of big eventful moments but there’s enough world / character building to keep me reading. Not to mention the intriguing ending that has me wishing the 2nd book was out now. I do hope the pace picks up though.