A review by kate404
Love Anthony by Lisa Genova


No comparison to Still Alice, Left Neglected or even Inside the Obrien's for me, but still I liked it. After more consideration I'd say 3.5 stars would be more like it. I don't think the characters were very well developed but I enjoyed the main premise of the story. The blurbs from the character's book, which were meant to lead us into Anthony's point of view were my favorite. I also loved how the author tied the story in from both Olivia and Anthony's perspective at times, truly heartwarming.

I would have probably rated higher had I felt a better connection with the characters and some better closure on Beth and Jimmy's side. It was hinted at and their outcome was confirmed by Olivia, but never from Beth's point of view precisely. Also, I would have loved to know more about where Olivia was headed, but I digress. Still a good, quick read and lovely story.