A review by rachelshattuck
Love Is the Cure: On Life, Loss, and the End of AIDS by Elton John


Love Is the Cure: On Life, Loss, and the End of AIDS by Elton John 5/5 ⭐️ - I was obviously going to like this book, written by one of my favorite artists about one of the topics I find most interesting. It tells the story of how Elton John’s friendship with Ryan White and his family inspired him to get involved in the fight against AIDS, to get sober and go to rehab, and to eventually start the Elton John AIDS Foundation. While giving a thorough recounting of the history of the AIDS epidemic, it is very much in his voice and is incredibly knowledgeable on the topic. He emphasizes the fact that we need to focus on marginalized groups the disease disproportionately affects, and that it will take all actors in society to address this epidemic with finality - governments, drug companies, religious institutions, and non-profit organizations. Testifying before Congress helped him realize, “History is made by the people who stand up to make it.” And as the title extols, love is the cure. We can’t overcome AIDS without caring about each and every person who has the disease, no matter who they are or how they contracted it. In fact, love may just be the cure for many of the world’s ills. #rachels2020readinglist