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A review by tommyc
Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming by Paul Hawken


Drawdown gives me hope for our future. After reading The Overstory I have felt pretty down about society's chances of stopping deforestation and the climate crisis. Yet this book presents actionable ways that we can fix our stupidity. I also enjoyed the technical aspects that showed the true effect of each change. Sure, most actions need to come from governments or large corporations (solar and wind are both top-10 interventions). However, eating a plant-rich diet is the fourth most effective way to flip this climate crisis around, and that is certainly something you have control over. What I also found very surprising was that truly some of the best ways involve restoring forests and/or changing the way we farm—either by changing grazing patterns, including trees within the crops, or growing diverse crops together.
As I said, this book gave me hope. We can solve this. Solar is now less expensive to produce than fossil fuels, and is still getting cheaper. I have been reaffirmed in my plant-rich diet, and I have been inspired to find ways to actively make a positive impact on forests (because I just really love trees).
I would really recommend more people read this, 4.1/5 stars