A review by confessions_of_a_bookaholic
The 13 Curses by Michelle Harrison


Red has sworn to get her brother back from the fairy realm, at all costs. Facing the fairy court she strikes a bargain to get him back, and regain her own freedom. The price is a challenge set by the rulers of the court - she must find and return all 13 charms belonging to Tanya's charm bracelet, which have been scattered in the human world. With Tanya and Fabian's help Red sets out on a frantic search, quickly realising that the charms are now twisted and wreaking havoc. Red and friends search desperately, trying to prevent any serious harm coming to those they love, all the while hoping against hope that the fairy court will keep their side of the bargain. 

It was quite a while since I read 13 Treasures, so when I started this one it did take me a little while to re-aclimatise myself with the characters and what had happened. Once I got a few chapters in things started to come back to me though, and before long I was immersed in the book. 

I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed the first book in this series, and this one follows suit. Although it's a middle grade read it's quite dark in places. Not extravagently so, it's still suitable for younger readers, but it's noticable and makes a difference to your reading experience. 

I liked that this book followed Red more than Tanya, so we got to see more of her story and learn how she had gotten to where she was. She's a great character with a lot of depth, and I enjoyed seeing her come to terms with the things that had happened to her. 

Story wise you could read this as a standalone if you really wanted to, but you'll have a better feel for the characters and the world they live in if you've read the first book. This one ties in really nicely, bringing the 13 charms of Tanya's bracelet in as a key part of the storyline. I thought it was a clever idea to make Red's quest a treasure hunt for items that her and her friends are part familiar with, and using that to help explain more of the history of Elvesden Manor. 

A great read and a fantastic book to build on book one of the series. I'm excited to see where Harrison goes next with the story, and will definitely not be leaving it so long before I read the final book in the series!