A review by bookishsami
My Unscripted Life by Lauren Morrill



I received this eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

First, before I say anything else, let it be known that I read this book in under 24 hours and that is an amazing accomplishment in itself. Let it also be known that while I am only giving this book 2.5? 3? stars it's not because it's a bad book. I actually quite enjoyed this book overall, but I did have some problems.

Look, I'm pretty good as suspending reality when reading contemporaries that involve celeberties and other crazy instances - but this one was a little too much for me. It really came together a little *too* perfectly. And look, I would have ate this book up when I was 16 so I really can't hold that against it. It was just a little too cliched at times and a little too predictable for my tastes.

I think my biggest complain with this novel is that it didn't feel fleshed out enough. It read super fast, which I love, but because it read so fast it also came off as rushed? maybe. Everything in this novel happened really fast - like a little too fast. I wish the romance was a little more slow burn - but like I said before, this is all personal preference things. I under no circumstances hated this book.

One little gripe I will say is why oh why did Dee keep calling Milo her boyfriend when they barely knew eachother, it made me cringe so hard for no real reason.


I really enjoyed the characters in this novel and I wish I would've gotten more time for them to be fleshed out as well. I loved that our main character Dee had a passion for Art and that continued to be showcased throughout the entirety of this novel (though it was a big ironic that she got to show off her art skills so much). While Dee's parents weren't in the novel as much as I would have liked, I liked that they had unique jobs and were not completely absent as is the case with many YA novels. Milo was a likeable enough character, but once again, I wish I could've gotten to know him more.

I will also say that while I don't know how authentic it was (i'm assuming it was very thought out though) the descriptions of life on a movie set was really interesting to me and made the book very intriguing. I also adored the chapter openers that read like a movie script - I thought that was a very interesting and unique addition to the novel.

Overall, I would recommend this book. It's a super quick read and for the right person I think it could give you all the feels. I really enjoyed the writing style so I am defintely open to reading more from Lauren Morrill in the future.