A review by anxiouslybooked
Four Eyes: A Graphic Novel by Rex Ogle


Rex is starting his first year in Middle School and to say that it is off to a rough start would be an understatement. Not only is he struggling to fit in with the people he *thought* were his friends, but he is also coming home with these HORRENDOUS headaches and he feels like he just cannot get close enough to the board to see clearly. When his mom finally catches wind of this, she immediately takes him to the eye doctor only to find out that he in fact, does need glasses. What's worse? The glasses that he likes are too expensive for his mom to afford, so he has to get a much "less cool" pair. So not only was he already having a hard time finding friends, not he is getting bullied because he is wearing glasses.

This is Rex Ogle's first graphic novel and he NAILED it! Sheer perfection! Honestly, I REALLY REALLY enjoyed this graphic novel and cannot wait to get a few copies for my middle school library.