A review by cassmccaff
The Exiles by Christina Baker Kline


I liked this book alot. It was captivating and explored a history that I knew very little about. The aboriginals of Australia. It’s so interesting to me that some cultures and people were not just left alone to do their thing. The British, and later Americans, just thinking that they need their help to “civilize” them. I wonder what would happen if they were just left alone to continue their ways in living off the land. I can see modern medicine being a big blessing having saved many lives. But it truly is amazing that people since the beginning of time have created a way of life that is purely natural. No shoes, no technology. Just humans and the earth. But I digress, this book focuses little on that way of life, but they do tell the story of Mathinna who was taken from the her people in an attempt to “civilize” her. I later found out that while this book is fiction, Mathinnas story is a true one and really quite sad. You can find the portrait of her described in the book with a quick google search. Just an innocent little girl.

The other girls and their stories were interesting. I read this book very quickly and wanted very badly to know how it ended. I will admit that I was hoping for just a bit more “story” but again, I was never bored and I was happy with the ending.

I would recommend this book to anyone! It’s more on the mild side in terms of adult themes. And it is quick and captivating. Nothing not to like, really.