A review by melissasbookshelf
Man of Shadow and Mist by Michelle Griep


“She really ought to pedal onward and get back to the library, but there was such raw power in the way he moved that it mesmerized her like little else she had known. She watched his tall form until shadows and mist swallowed him whole, leaving her entirely unsettled.”

Absolutely loved this second book in the Of Monsters and Men series! I have to admit Dracula is one of my favorite “horror” stories and Michelle Griep brilliantly took the idea of a vampire and turned it on its head. She created a character so sympathetic and tortured that he instantly drew my compassion. It’s the story of a troubled man trying to find a cure for the life threatening illness he faces which also plagues his mother, all the while resisting love and warding off villagers bent on his destruction.

Sir James Morgan traveled to Whitby, England from his castle in Transylvania to care for his mother who suffers from porphyria. After rescuing a beautiful woman after a bicycle accident, he’s pleasantly surprised to find she works in her father’s library where he’s hoping to find medical texts. As he desperately searches for a cure, he can’t help but fall in love with Rosa. Knowing the outcome of the disease, he resists anything more than friendship and keeps himself shuttered away from others. The strange symptoms of the disease, the cattle found mutilated, and the superstitious nature of the townsfolk foster the idea that Sir James is indeed a dreaded vampire.

Rosa Edwards is a forward thinking librarian studying to be a secretary. She wants nothing more than to share books and knowledge with her small English village to help combat superstitions. Though many can’t afford the subscription, she finds ways to provide books. When she meets James, he has a profound effect on her. As she tries to discourage a persistent suitor, she wants nothing more than to get to know the mysterious stranger better. James is elusive, yet always seems to be there when she needs him. If she can only get him to trust her, and take a chance on love.

I loved everything about this story! The atmosphere was fantastic with an eerie manor, freakish thunderstorms, and fog shrouded streets. The romance between Rosa and James was electric with a passionate undercurrent throughout. Their first kiss was amazing! I loved how he tried to scare her off at times by playing the vampire role. I so sympathized with James. He wanted nothing more than what he felt was best for Rosa, yet he yearned for love and acceptance. I loved the kind rector who helped convince James he needed the companionship of others.

All the nods to Dracula were fabulous. I enjoyed the way the author weaved Bram Stoker into the story and the little Easter eggs pointing to the classic novel. I loved that James’ butler was named Renfield and chuckled every time I saw his name. It was fascinating learning more about porphyria and how the symptoms matched so well with the concept of a vampire.

It’s a fast paced, perfectly gothic romance, with a touch of inspiration and suspense. Highly recommend to gothic and historical romance fans as well as those who enjoy the classics. I can’t wait to see which “monster” she’ll tackle next, although I have a theory. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily given.