A review by allingoodtime
High Heat by Annabeth Albert


My introduction to this author was the first book in this series, Burn Zone. I was an instant fan. I couldn’t wait to read more and find out if the book that blew me a way was a fluke, or if I had found a new must-read author. It wasn’t a fluke. I’ve loved everything I’ve read by Annabeth Albert so far. This story is just as amazing as the first.

Garrick wasn’t someone I necessarily loved in the first book, until his motives became clearer. Then I couldn’t help but stand behind him. He’s a good friend, that’s for sure. But he got seriously injured in the first book and he’s not smoke jumping currently. Nope, this man who is so used to going all in and leading the charge is in physical therapy and, more often than not, needs his wheelchair to get around. That’s a lot to get used to. I love his can-do attitude and couldn’t help but hope his optimism would pay off.

Rain is such a cutie. It’s hilarious when they first meet because I felt as though Rain wanted to be super sassy but just wasn’t sure how the stoic firefighter would take him. Not that he wanted to hide who he was, he just didn’t want to offend. These two quickly realize they are on the same page and…let the banter begin. Man, their flirting and innuendos is next level. Even when Garrick is trying NOT to got there, it just cannot be helped. They feed off each other and, eventually, can no longer deny their connection. This story is about more than sexuality and relationships and love. It’s about being true to yourself and letting others be themselves with no judgment. Rain is not one to hide who he is, and Garrick in not one to want him to ever “tone down” his true self. It’s a beautiful thing.

As much as I instantly loved Rain, I wasn’t sure if he’d have much depth at first. But boy does he. As a middle child, I totally understood Rain on so many levels. Although I’m more of an introvert, that didn’t stop me from doing dumb things for attention when I was younger. The problem is, Rain’s family still sees him as that small kid. They never quite take him seriously. He’s loved and respected, but it doesn’t seem anyone takes the time to get to know adult Rain. Until Garrick, that is.

I cannot tell you how amazing the sexual chemistry is with these two. Garrick has some possible issues with arousal with his injuries, but ultimately, they don’t let that hold them back. It’s actually a part of this story that really cements the relationship between Rain and Garrick. Their experimentation and exploration of what did and did not work was not only steaming hot, but gave their relationship a while other depth.

Rain has always been one to do for others in all aspects of his life. Be it for a neighbor, family, or stranger. If someone needs help, Rain is there. He doesn’t know how to receive very well, though. Garrick helps him learn that giving and receiving are equally important…in and out of the bedroom. In some ways Garrick is the same since he’s never been one to ask for help. Rain helps him to realize it’s okay to need help once in a while and that there are people who not only will help, but WANT to help.

I could not get enough of these two. When they had conflict, my heart ached for them both. When they overcame obstacles throughout this book, I celebrated with them. This author has a forever fan in me.

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of Net Galley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

You can find more of my reviews at All In Good Time