A review by sonni89
Rituals by Kelley Armstrong


I have been waffling on this rating for a couple of days now, and I'm still not sure this is right.

I enjoyed this book. It entertained me, there were aspects to it that were fantastic (a lot of the Olivia/Gabriel relationship, and Helia and Alexios, for example).


The ending was a cop-out. Olivia made a choice and that is not acknowledged in the slightest. The only way she wouldn't have made a choice is if they had gone full triad, which is what should have happened and was really the only way to solve this (not just because I wanted it, which I did, but because the author told us REPEATEDLY throughout the five books that Olivia cannot choose and all three of them are doomed when she does). If Armstrong wasn't committed to making a poly arrangement happen, SHE SHOULD NOT HAVE HAMMERED DOWN ON THAT POINT.

And that will forever be frustrating to me and leave a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. Which is sad, because overall I really liked this series a lot.