A review by mistled
100 Bullets: The Deluxe Edition Book I by Brian Azzarello


The Deluxe edition includes Volumes 1-3, which is Issues 1-19.

The trouble with 100 Bullets is that Volume 1 (issues 1-5) doesn't expose you to enough of the overarching plot to make you want to read more. Readers aren't even introduced to even the concept of the Minutemen until Volume 2 (issues 6-14), during which you start getting the sense of how some of these smaller stories tie together. The two short stories in Volume 1 serve to introduce you to two characters, only one of which you see again by the end of Volume 3 (issues 15-19). They're important stories, just not ones that drive people to keep reading.

What I am getting at if that is you plan to read 100 Bullets (and you should), you owe it to yourself to read the first two volumes before really deciding if the series is for you. If you aren't intrigued by the Minutemen, and the Trust, and Shepard, and whatever XIII stands for by then... then I can understand if you walk away. Just don't give up after Volume 1. The series is so much more than those five issues.