A review by bookph1le
How to Be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi


I was pretty much in tears by the end of this book.

Anyone who's interested in trying to be a better human being would be well served by reading this book and spending a lot of time reflecting on it. It's not an easy read, not if you do it right, because it will require you to examine your own thoughts and biases--never an easy thing to face.

I hate saying a book is "important" because I feel that somehow belittles the book, but this one is...important. I have no good words for it. Kendi does such a masterful job of tearing away the veil and exposing the historical racism lurking behind so many prevailing beliefs about race and the role it plays in this country. The writing is beautiful and thought-provoking and not easy to digest--and I mean that as a compliment. Everyone needs to read books that make them take a good, hard look at themselves, and that's exactly what this book made me do. If I could give it more than five stars, I would.