A review by mikuthemuso
The Analects of Confucius by Burton Watson


Terrible. An incredibly repetitive text that functions similar to a Ancient Greek or Hindu dialogue, except this lacks the spiritual insights that the former traditions have. The Confucian way is one of following rituals, having leadership, being upright, morally righteous, studying regularly, adhering to a rigid bureaucracy, following "The Way". There is no room for creativity, spontaneity, spirituality, introspection. Its assumed if one does something, then a particular result will occur. It repeats this formula for its 20 books or chapters. Man shall be this, then people will treat him like this. Man shall be that and then his subordinates will treat him like that. So on and so forth for one hundred and ten thousand repetitions. The logic is flawed, and a lot of this knowledge is common sense, but the one dimensional characters in the dialogues give very non-nuanced so-called "insights" into the nature human behaviour. There is no acknowledgement of the inner emotional dimension, everything is purely pragmatic and ethic based.