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A review by kamckim
Snow by Orhan Pamuk


This book read like heavy Russian lit, which is not my first choice. Things I appreciated--being swept into another world. Authors should be able to make you believe their worlds, and I believed this one enough to want to go back to visit every night. The characters were imperfectly real, really imperfect--I think even more so if I knew that part of Turkey better. Also, it seems that Pamuk is using the sisters as a metaphor for the country of Turkey--desirable, irresistible, unattainable, inexplicable, yet somehow within reach and even abused and used by various warring factions as represented by the various men and their relationships to them in the book. But, yes, like others, I did wish to see the poems. I didn't find the snowflake metaphor/structure to be contrived. The name of the book is SNOW. I thought his thoughts on the formation of the snowflake and its brief, unique but also universal being were pretty dead on. If anyone presumes to think that at the core, human existence is much more, then perhaps this isn't the novel for her.