A review by bookfessional
Red by Kate SeRine


2/7/18 - ON SALE for $0.99:


Alright, I've put this off long enough.


I'm sad to say that I don't have a whole lot to say about this book.

I should have loved it. I was expecting to love it. And the premise turned out to be even cooler than I had originally thought, b/c not only were fairy tale characters transported to the real world, famous literary characters were too.

Like Elizabeth and Darcy. And Dracula.

Pretty frickin' cool, right?


Unfortunately, premise can only get you so far, and while the characters weren't exactly stock, they definitely felt flat. I was unable to really connect to any of them, even and especially Red, our MC. All of the little insights that were given to add depth to her character felt . . . ordinary. Maybe even contrived. Again, not stock exactly, but not too terribly far from it either.

There was also cornball aplenty.

Like when the only suspects in the crime spree Red's investigating are her ex-boyfriends. Mighty big coincidence that.


Or how 'bout Red wearing big ol' red leather boots, but her leather coat was black, thank-you-very-much (b/c a red leather coat would have been a little bit OTT).


Red is also a big-time overreacter. Observe:

When a certain person reveals the truth about himself, she totally loses her mind, complete with the refusal to talk or think about it rationally AND exit-in-a-huff-of-fury.

She's been betrayed, DAMMIT.


Even if this secret was one he'd kept from EVERYONE, and even if he made himself absolutely vulnerable by telling her.

Narcissistic personality disorder, anyone?

That was bad enough. But then almost immediately after her, "Don't come near me. I don't want to see you again . . . There's nothing to talk about . . . We're done here," tantrum, she gets introspective and starts saying things like, "I'm not sure if I ran out on," wouldn'tyouliketoknowwho, "because I was angry--or because . . . [wait for it] . . . I was afraid."


*rolls eyes*

*groans AND rolls eyes*

And it's obvious from the beginning that she's supposed to be with this guy. Just like the big secret he told her was obvious.

So why does she hook-up with one of the exes she's investigating?


Well b/c she's both unprofessional and AFRAID.

Which doesn't jive, b/c Red is clearly supposed to be kick-ass. And that freak-out . . . only one of MANY (with similar introspections immediately following).

And I'm just over it.


So maybe I had more to say about this book then I thought.

Still there have been lots of good reviews for this book, so I wouldn't totally write it off. Just b/c it wasn't my cuppa, doesn't mean it won't be yours.
