A review by forkdogforkfruit
Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue by Maajid Nawaz, Sam Harris


This is a refreshing conversation focussing on a delicate topic. Both parties act impeccably when stating their position and are able to present controversial points and counter points without fear of inflicting offence on the other. By allowing this to happen many often nuanced points are able to be untangled and presented in ways which would otherwise be near impossible. Nawaz and Harris consistently make clear points and argue their respective sides very well and allow the other the freedom and time to expand on their positions and responses.

It is clear both parties gain something out of this exchange and this extends to myself as the reader. I have been introduced to the idea (and word vacuous) of vacuous islamism which Nawaz presents and expresses very well. Another salient point is that Nawaz addresses the term "Islamaphobia" and how is it unhelpful and has become a "trouble and inherently unhelpful term" and shores this up with sound reasoning about how the freedom of scrutiny of ideas should be a freedom to all.

In summary, this book has been a delight to read and has taught me a lot about a topic that I felt I had firm grounding in. In the current world climate this is a must-read for anyone who wishes to have their ideas challenged and is looking to engage in a conversation that many may feel is not really taking place in the public sphere at this time.