A review by beckymmoe
Crazy Thing Called Love by Molly O'Keefe


I loved this book. LOVED it. I didn't always love the characters--grown-up Maddy in particular rubbed me the wrong way through a lot of it--but I loved the story. The flashbacks were handled well, and fleshed out Maddy and Billy's early story that started in the novella "All I Want for Christmas is You" and made me so want to read this book in the first place. Grown-up Billy, once he gets his head out of his butt, is awesome. Loved him. Wanted to take him home myself, and not just because he's a hockey player (though that sure as heck didn't hurt!) What totally sold me about this book, though, were the kids. The really young Maddy and Billy (the story of how he got his scar just killed me. Killed me, I tell you!) and Billy's niece and nephew, Becky and Charlie, were wonderful. Their stories were fresh and heartbreaking. Really, this whole book took the romance novel genre in places I just wasn't expecting, and it was great. When I got near the end I kept putting it down for a minute or two, just because I didn't want it to end too soon--only I needed to keep going, so two minutes was about as far as I got. I've already downloaded the audio of book one in the series, and it's the next up on my TBR list when I finish the book I'm listening to now. Book two is sure to follow....