A review by chrissy3562
Everything I Left Unsaid by M. O'Keefe


Everything I Left Unsaid by Molly O'Keefe was a unique and captivating story. Annie left her abusive husband and ended up renting a trailer. Well, the day she moved in she heard a phone ringing in the trailer. She answered it and that started her on a journey to self discovery and the voice on the other end helped her with that journey. Dylan was just a voice for the longest time and they both had secrets that they weren't willing to share with the other, but there was a connection that neither could deny. This was a good book except for two things: 1) the book is a cliffhanger. It ends in a way that makes you want to reach for the next book, and 2) Annie's perspective is in first person, but Dylan's perspective is in third. That to me is a little odd and it kinda threw me off at times. As someone who gets really annoyed by cliffhangers, this brought down the book for me. I probably would have rated this book 5 stars if it had been a complete story. With things the way they are, I have to rate the book 4 stars. I am looking forward to the next book and will be reading it, but I'm hoping it finishes with the next one and doesn't go on to a third book.