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A review by xeyra
Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy


Although the story started slowly and took its time to grab me, once it did, a few chapters down the way, I couldn't stop reading. As far as the story goes, it's a fairly simple and straightforward one: it's about a group of friends and their friendship, loves and all the happenings in their lives. It's a heart-warming novel with believable characters with whom we can easily identify, despite the story happening in the '50s, if I'm not mistaken.

I think that's how Maeve Binchy grabs us: she creates characters that are so well developed and seem so real, we cannot help but wanting to know all about them and to keep on reading so as to learn what happens to them, to go through their happy and sad moments as if they were our own. A story with a fabulous plot does not survive without good characterization, and Ms. Binchy knows how to make the reader love the characters she fleshes out.