A review by bibliochemist
The Einsteins of Vista Point by Ben Guterson


~new genre by a familiar author~

Brief synopsis: The Einstein siblings move to the rural locale of Vista Point with their parents who want to start over after a tragic accident changed their family forever...but who (and what) they find there might do more healing than the move itself ;)

I started it as an audiobook (the narration was wonderful!) but I decided to read the rest of it in print, mostly because I didn't want to miss out on the illustrations.

Overall, I enjoyed the book, and it kept me interested the whole time to know how the mystery was going to play out. I think my favorite part was the Einstein siblings themselves - they seemed really fun to be around and I loved their personalities (especially Ruth!). I also think the commentary on grief and grieving is very necessary for a middle grade audience.

One comment I would make is that I feel like there was a lot of room to explore other cultures in this story that didn't fully seem to be capitalized upon. I personally think that would have enriched this book, especially for a middle grade reader who might not yet have had exposure to any of these cultures yet in their reading or in their lived experiences.

An enjoyable weekend read!
⭐ ⭐ ⭐.5