A review by read_on_reader
Mafia King: A Mafia Royals Novella by Rachel Van Dyken


Tank is in a predicament and he must finally choose between his job or the families. With this happening he is also tasked to be a bodyguard to the tempting and crazy Kartini. He knows this will be a very trying task but has no choice in the matter. Kartini is very much a daddy’s girl and seeing her dad is the ruthless Sergio, but one night when she is ultimately humiliated by the other kids, she must do something to survive that makes her a made woman. Things change for Tiny, and she is not the same person anymore and the only thing that gives her any feeling is messing with Tank. The attraction is there but so many stands in the way of what could be. Can Tank get through to Tiny to see what happened to her? Can Tiny ever find her peace? Will Tank choose the family or another way out? This was such a good read with more of the family kids and seeing what lies ahead for them. I can’t wait for more!!! Maksim (sighhhh) his story will be insanely good.