A review by lovebugger
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin


really beautiful book! giving a bunch of things here to bring up when i discuss it tmro w a friend!!
sooo firstly!
-this book made me realize that i absolutely read books for escapism but not in the way where i like traveling into different worlds, but more so because i like changing into alternate realities and lives
-it felt so real, like sam and sadie were real people within the world in opposition to other books ive read recently where you can tell that they're meant to be stories, artificially made rather than exploring a slit in time, an alternate livelihood
-i think thats why i love books so much too, because i live my life like marx as a character within the book, in the way where i am completely in awe at the buffet of options in life and the way they present themselves to me, but not necessary in a romantic way, but in a work way? in a way of careers and experiences and opportunities seperate from romance but often in work and friendship. I want to gorge myself on all of it
-as for the actual content of the book I can definitely see where the influence of different games come into play within the games in the book! i feel like both sides in concept is very similar to omori but with the style reminding me super similarly to life is strange. I see the same thing for the revelss!!! with it seeming kindof similar to professor layton, but at that point in the story i stopped gorging myself on the games like i felt with the production of ichigo, where i could really feel the excitement and passion, but started moving in on gorging the characters. it felt like the most original and explored game throughout the story despite the pioneers sequences, ichigo just felt more real. more loved. more meaningful.
-i think thats where the book fell off for me, post ichigo, where you start knowing these things in full and instead of actively being bare to a new experience at every turn you then move into reading ABOUT the story rather than being within it??? if it makes sense?? im giving this a high rating just because of how much i loved that first part, reading it was so thrilling, and i did find myself consuming the book even in the slower points just because I think im a fan of zevins writing
-the ending of the book fell flat for me at the end, partially because i was in that stage where i assumed it would be a transition period to another plot point, another story, and i didnt realize when i was closing the book to pick it up and finish the last few pages in excitement on the train that i was actually on the last page, sentences away from the end